Monday, April 20, 2009

There is a moderate amount of cutting in both Underworlds. There is a mix between lengthy shots and fragmented. Some shots are cut to create suspense while others are to explore an emotion based on how the director wants the audience to perceive it. Some of the cutting in both Underworlds leave us piecing things together ourselves. For an example, We are shown a flashback from Selene to when her father was building Williams underground prison. The audience is not told that is what he is building, they have to infer from the facts they have been given through out both films. The directors vision defiantly come through in the editing as well, with focus on emotional and artistic cuts. I think the editing was a key component to show the vision of the film makers, especially with editors like Nicolas De Toth (The Covent and Sum of All Fears) and Martin Hunter (Mortal Kombat and Full Metal Jacket).

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