Monday, April 6, 2009

chapter 7

They use a very good mix between modern and medieval. There are innovative guns, helicopters, and ships but they designed the ships interior to feel like Alexander has brought all his knowledge and relics with him through the centuries to this moment in time. They make his ships interior imitate the feel of the mansion in the first film. The design of many of the sets are designed to look like they have been there for a very long time and have been secrets until now. Its a period piece with a modern weapons and story. In the first film, they filmed in Budapest to show the history of the convents and give you the feel of an Urban Transylvania. The second film is mainly in Ontario with mountains, castles, and dungeons. Both films are made to be very realistic through make-up, setting, and costumes. The director had a lot of hand in the movies features. He drew pictures to show everyone involved what he imagined and wanted. The costumers show the darkness and how they have changed through the centuries. The language of both films reflects the director's vision of a very medieval underworld while still being modern. With the film being to realistic, the films could be turned into a stage play.

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