Monday, April 13, 2009

Chapter 5 - sound

The sound makes the shots come to life and evolve into a better realistic film. The sound makes the shots complete. The sound techs have to account for every little sound such as wings opening to foot steps. Also they have to decide how they want every sound to sound like. The composer, Paul Haslinger, is perfect for the genre. He was classically trained in Vienna but is well know for his scores from Spawn to Red Planet. He hand picked the crew of musicians and sound designers to come up with the movies signature sound; mystery and mayhem. His distinct musical texture was required for the films murky settings. There were a lot of heavy metal songs used through out the films; Haslinger's scores were put in to the film to continue their industrial and modern theme. The music picked follows the scenes and action all the way through. They also fit the genre. The sound effects maintain Underworld's individuality. They bring Marco Beltrami in for Evolution. He does more conventional orchestral and synthetic hybrid effects; From 3:10 to Yuma to The Knowing. He has a darker musical feel with work on films such as The Scream films, The Faculty, The Crow: Salvation, Resident Evil, Hell Boy, and The Eye. He has experience with the genre from writing scores for Dracula 2000 and Blade II. He has also worked on other action films like Live Free, Die Hard and I, Robot. He is considered an Action/Horror specialist. The music pulls emotion from you while following the films line. You have a better experience with the films. They come off more realistic. They come off more realistic. The music goes extremely well with the films; both musicians did a wonderful job. Mostly every character has the same dialect; the English accent again portraying the old age of vampires. Speedman has an American accent showing his new birth into the war. Selene, Beckinsale, again is the narrator of the film. She gives some back ground and lets you fill in information. The film is about her finding truth and revenge, so who would be a better narrator then her?

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